Dr. Xue’s research group consists of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows within the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.

Group photo of the Xue Lab in spring 2023.

Current Members:


Yong Ai Dr. Yong Ai
Research Interests: Wnt inhibitors, ALDH2 inhibitors, hCAR/Nrf2 activators
Aziza Frank (G3)
Research Interests: Pseudomonas heme sensing and uptake inhibitors
Headshot of Zijin Xu Zijin Xu (G1)
Research Interests: ALDH2 inhibitors, hCAR activators
Rajlaxmi Desphande headshot Rajlaxmi Deshpande (MS1)
Research Interests: Gallium-based imaging agents
Headshot of Mugdha Pramod Dange Mughda Pramod Dange (MS1)
Research Interests: Anti-TB agents
Headshot of Gayatri Bhandarkar Gayatri Bhandarkar (MS1)
Research Interests: Anti-TB agents
Lucia Hwang Lucia Hwang (P4)
Research Interests: P. aeruginosa HasAp inhibitors
Negar Hamidi (P4)
Research Interests: MARK2 inhibitors
Headshot of Kelly Hoang Kelly Hoang (PSC summer intern)
Research Interests: Gallium-based imaging agents

Former Group Members:


  • Dr. Hannah Mbatia (2012)
  • Dr. Chuangyu Qi (2012 – 13)
  • Dr. Shilei Zhu (2013)
  • Dr. Xinhua He (2012 – 14, current position: Beijing Ins. of Pharmacol. and Toxicol.)
  • Dr. Wei Yang (2014 – 16, current position: Simcere Pharmaceutical Group)
  • Dr. Huimin Cheng (2014 – 17, current position: XtalPi Inc)
  • Dr. Dongdong Liang (2015 – 19)

Ph.D. Students:

  • Geoffrey Heinzl (2012 – 16, current position: FDA)
  • Rachita Rai (2013 – 15, Master)
  • Tao Liang (2013, rotation student)
  • Chad Johnson (2015 – 16, rotation student)
  • Kiwon Ok (2016, rotation student)
  • Asmita Adhikari (2017, rotation student)
  • Matthew Hursey (2018, rotation student)
  • Christopher Goodis (2020, rotation student)
  • Nathaniel McClean (2021, rotation student)
  • Benjamin Diethelm-Varela (2018-21, Master)
  • Elizabeth Robinson (2015 – 21, current position: APL)
  • Garrick Centola (2015-2022, current position: FDA)

MS Students:

  • Ayush Sinha (2022 – 23)

PharmD and Other Students:

  • Emily Sartain (summer 2013, from Rice University)
  • Kyle Wende (summer 2014)
  • Tharcilla Aglio (summer 2014, Federal University of Juiz de For a, Brazil)
  • Jung-Min Lee (2014, PharmD)
  • Kelly Murphy (2014, PharmD)
  • Sidick Jibril (2014-2015, PharmD)
  • Nayara Cauneto (summer 2015, Federal University of Juiz de For a, Brazil)
  • Priya Brunsdon (2015, PharmD)
  • Tommy Lee (2015, PharmD)
  • Yue Yin (summer 2017, from Binghamton University)
  • Alexandra Morris (summer 2017, from UMBC)
  • Nathen Shen (2017, PharmD)
  • Phuc Tran (2017, PharmD)
  • Chun Yin Li (2017, PharmD)
  • Ana Continho (2014-18, PharmD)
  • Keri McClelland (summer 2018, from Bryn Mawr)
  • Meredith Kuser (summer 2018, from Wake Forest University)
  • Assefa Akinwole (summer 2019, from UMBC)
  • Ferideh Sistani-Khanaman (2018-20, PharmD)
  • Aanye Gafrey (2020-21, PharmD)
  • Heng Ung (2021, PharmD)
  • Malaika Nyawara (summer 2022, from UMCP)
  • Chiamaka Okereafor (2022, PharmD)

Visiting Scholar:

  • Dr. Xianyu Sun (2013)
  • Dr. Chao Jiang (2014)
  • Dr. Shaymaa Kassab (2014)
  • Dr. Atef A Abdel-Hafez (2014, joint with the MacKerell Lab)
  • Dr. Qianshou Zong (2016)
  • Dr. Jingming Zhao (2018)
  • Dr. Wan Pang (2020)