Dr. Ivaturi is an assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, where he is involved in the research and implementation of quantitative clinical pharmacology to address challenges in drug development and clinical therapeutics.

About Dr. Ivaturi

Scholarly Interests

Vijay is an applied pharmacometrician with a focus on clinical therapeutics to facilitate better clinical dosing decisions. His primary research interest is in pediatric clinical pharmacology where he uses technology to bridge the gap between the complex systems of pharmacology and providers who use this information to make treatment decisions. Further, he is also involved in the development of methods and tools for quantitative clinical pharmacology in drug development. His scholarly contributions include over 20 peer-reviewed publications and 1 book chapter, numerous posters, and presentations, as well as nearly 30 reports used as supporting documents for Food and Drug Administration approvals.

He served as the chair of the Education Committee of the International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISoP) for three years where he advocated, evangelized and implemented platforms for open and collaborative learning environments accessible to all. Some of these platforms include; The Pharmacometrics Study Group – a self-managed online webinar platform to host tutorials/workshops/lectures with more than 12,000 youtube views in one year; modern discussion forum for the drug development community – discuss.go-isop.org with approximately 800 members and thousands of discussion posts; Drug development and clinical therapeutics (#ddct) channel in the popular biorxiv platform that is the first pre-print server for pharmacometrics and clinical pharmacology; coordinated and kicked off the first session on open-source and open-science in pharmacometrics at ACoP7. These efforts have begun to show their impact as we see many more members of the community start to think, discuss and contribute to open-source tools and open-science in pharmacometrics.

Vijay is currently working with co-enthusiasts in the pharmacometrics community via OsMoSiS to provide open source tools and freely accessible education material to everyone involved in pharmaceutical drug development.

He believes that that openly accessible tools and education form the pillars of our community growth by making it more inclusive.


Dr. Ivaturi’s curriculum vitae can be downloaded here.

Contact Information

Vijay Ivaturi
Center for Translational Medicine
Department of Practice, Sciences, and Health Outcomes Research
University of Maryland–Baltimore
N515 Pharmacy Hall
20 N Pine Street
Baltimore, MD 21224

Phone: 410-706-7838
Email: vivaturi@rx.umaryland.edu
Website: https://vjd.github.io

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